
History is most often something that we read from books. True, it is one way to learn history, but you can also learn history by experiencing it. You can experience history just by walking into a historic building.

Historic buildings are witnesses to the lives and stories of generations before us. The stories that are part of the American backbone. Buildings bring history alive and weave it into our lives as a connection to those who came before us and with one another. This is why we preserve historic buildings. The structures found at Norskedalen document the heritage, struggles, and traditions of Norwegian immigrants who came to the Coon Valley area. 

By walking through the same doors that others did 150 years ago gives us an opportunity to learn about the past and appreciate the evolution of our society. What better setting to do such a thing than in the building constructed by the hands of those who experienced the past first-hand? 

Preserving and maintaining these buildings gives us a sense of community, identity, and heritage that we can pass onto future generations.